首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear fusion >Enhanced reproducibility of L-mode plasma discharges via physics-model-based q-profile feedback control in DIII-D

Enhanced reproducibility of L-mode plasma discharges via physics-model-based q-profile feedback control in DIII-D


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Recent experiments on DIII-D demonstrate the potential of physics-model-based q-profile control to improve reproducibility of plasma discharges. A combined feedforward + feedback control scheme is employed to optimize the current ramp-up phase by consistently achieving target q profiles (Target 1: q_(min) = 1.3, q95 = 4.4; Target 2: q_(min) = 1.65, q95 = 5.0; Target 3: q_(min) = 2.1, q95 = 6.2) at prescribed times during the plasma formation phase (Target 1: t = 1.5 s; Target 2: t = 1.3 s; Target 3: t = 1.0 s). At the core of the control scheme is a nonlinear, first-principles-driven, physics-based, control-oriented model of the plasma dynamics valid for low confinement (L-mode) scenarios. To prevent undesired L-H transitions, a constraint on the maximum allowable total auxiliary power is imposed in addition to the maximum powers for the individual heating and current-drive sources. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined feedforward + feedback control scheme to consistently achieve the desired target profiles at the predefined times. These results also show how the addition of feedback control significantly improves upon the feedforward-only control solution by reducing the matching error and also how the feedback controller is able to reduce the matching error as the constraint on the maximum allowable total auxiliary power is relaxed while keeping the plasma in L-mode.
机译:最近在DIII-D上进行的实验证明了基于物理模型的q轮廓控制在提高等离子体放电重现性方面的潜力。通过始终如一地实现目标q曲线(目标1:q_(min)= 1.3,q95 = 4.4;目标2:q_(min)= 1.65,q95 = 5.0;目标3:在等离子体形成阶段的规定时间q_(min)= 2.1,q95 = 6.2)(目标1:t = 1.5 s;目标2:t = 1.3 s;目标3:t = 1.0 s)。控制方案的核心是适用于低约束(L-mode)场景的等离子动力学的非线性,第一性原理,基于物理学,面向控制的模型。为了防止不希望的L-H过渡,除了各个加热和电流驱动源的最大功率之外,还对最大允许总辅助功率施加了限制。提出实验结果以证明组合的前馈+反馈控制方案在预定时间始终如一地实现所需目标曲线的有效性。这些结果还表明,如何通过减小匹配误差来显着改善仅前馈控制解决方案上反馈控制的附加功能,以及随着对最大允许总辅助功率的约束的放宽,反馈控制器如何能够减小匹配误差。保持等离子体处于L模式。



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