首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear fusion >Analysis of runaway electron expulsion during tokamak instabilities detected by a single-channel Cherenkov probe in FTU

Analysis of runaway electron expulsion during tokamak instabilities detected by a single-channel Cherenkov probe in FTU


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The expulsion of runaway electrons (REs) during different types of tokamak instabilities is analysed by means of a Cherenkov probe inserted into the scrape-off layer of the FTU tokamak. One such type of instability, the well-known tearing mode, is involved in disruptive plasma termination events, during which the risk of RE avalanche multiplication is highest. The second type, known as anomalous Doppler instability, influences RE dynamics by enhancing pitch angle scattering. Three scenarios are analysed here, characterised by different RE generation rates and mechanisms. The main conclusions are drawn from correlations between the Cherenkov probe and other diagnostics. In particular, the Cherenkov probe permits the detection of fast electron expulsion with a high level of detail, presenting peaks with 100% signal contrast during tearing mode growth and rotation, and sub-peak structures reflecting the interplay between the magnetic island formed by the tearing mode, RE diffusion during island rotation and the geometry of obstacles in the vessel. Correlations between the Cherenkov signal, hard x-ray emission and electron cyclotron emission reveal the impulsive development of the anomalous Doppler instability with instability rise time in the microsecond scale resolved by the high time-resolution of the Cherenkov probe.
机译:利用插入FTU托卡马克刮除层中的Cherenkov探针分析了在不同类型的托卡马克不稳定性过程中失控电子(RE)的排出。一种此类不稳定形式,即众所周知的撕裂模式,涉及破坏性血浆终止事件,在此期间,RE雪崩倍增的风险最高。第二种类型称为异常多普勒不稳定性,通过增强俯仰角散射来影响RE动力学。这里分析了三种情况,其特征在于不同的可再生能源发电率和机制。主要结论是从Cherenkov探针与其他诊断方法之间的相关性得出的。特别是,契伦科夫(Cherenkov)探针可实现高细节水平的快速电子驱除检测,在撕裂模式的生长和旋转过程中呈现具有100%信号对比度的峰,并且亚峰结构反映了由撕裂形成的磁岛之间的相互作用模式,孤岛旋转期间的RE扩散以及船舶中障碍物的几何形状。 Cherenkov信号,硬X射线发射和电子回旋加速器发射之间的相关性揭示了异常多普勒不稳定性的冲动发展,其不稳定性上升时间为微秒级,这由Cherenkov探针的高时间分辨率解决了。



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