首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics >On the 70th Birthday of Nikolai Ivanovich Sinitsyn

On the 70th Birthday of Nikolai Ivanovich Sinitsyn

机译:尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·辛尼辛(Nikolai Ivanovich Sinitsyn)诞辰70周年

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Having graduated from Saratov State University (SSU) in 1960, he started a postgraduate course at SSU and, simultaneously, began working as an assistant at the Department of Electronics at SSU. Sinitsyn defended his candidate's dissertation in vacuum microwave electronics in 1964 and his doctoral dissertation on problems of vacuum microwave microelectronics and acoustoelectronics in 1980. From 1981 to 2005, Sinitsyn was involved in teaching activity at SSU and simultaneously headed the Research Laboratory of Microelectronics, which he had organized. Since 1988, he has been a deputy director of the Saratov Branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (SB IREE).
机译:他于1960年从萨拉托夫州立大学(SSU)毕业,在SSU开始了研究生课程,并同时开始在SSU的电子系担任助理。 Sinitsyn于1964年为候选人的真空微波电子学学位论文辩护,并于1980年为他的真空微波微电子学和声电子学问题辩护。从1981年至2005年,Sinitsyn参与了SSU的教学活动,并同时领导了微电子学研究实验室。已经组织了。自1988年以来,他一直担任无线电工程和电子学会(SB IREE)萨拉托夫分院的副主任。



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