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Gays in Church and State


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With god, say the faithful, all things are possible. Even in the church. The cautious, usually genial and conflict-averse Episcopalian faith made ecclesiastical history last week by elevating an openly gay priest, the Rev. Gene Robinson, to be the Bishop of New Hampshire. Convening in Minneapolis, the church leaders also voted to permit local churches to bless same-sex unions (which many already do). Those blessings are symbolic, and affect only the 2.3 million Episcopalians in the United States. But the moves come just after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay privacy rights and amid the Massachusetts Supreme Court's deliberation of a case that could legalize gay marriage there. For both church and state, a cultural showdown is underwav.
机译:与上帝,说忠诚,所有事情都是可能的。即使在教堂里。谨慎,通常是Genial和Conflical Capiscopialial的信仰上周通过提升一个公开的同性恋牧师,Rev. Gene Robinson,成为新罕布什尔州的主教。在明尼阿波利斯召开,教会领导人还投票赞成当地教会祝福同性联盟(许多人已经做过)。那些祝福是象征性的,只影响美国的230万根信料。但是,在美国最高法院裁定以获得同性恋隐私权的裁定之后,这次举动就会追求,在马萨诸塞州最高法院的审议方面,这是一个可以将同性恋婚姻合法化的案件。对于教会和国家来说,文化摊牌是低于的。



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