首页> 外文期刊>Neurological Research >Modified calcium accumulation after controlled cortical impact under cyclosporin A treatment: a 45Ca autoradiographic study

Modified calcium accumulation after controlled cortical impact under cyclosporin A treatment: a 45Ca autoradiographic study


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Objective: As a neuroprotective drug, cyclosporin A (CsA) has been subject of multiplenexperimental works in traumatic brain injury (TBI) research. It is well known that CsA inhibitsncalcium (Ca2z) induced mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT). The aim of this study wasnto investigate the influence of CsA on the alteration of Ca2z homeostasis after experimental brainninjury.nMethods: Sprague–Dawley male rats (n536) with a mean weight of 330 g (280–350 g) werengeneral anesthetized with isofluran through gas mask. The anesthetized animals (n524) werensubjected to a controlled cortical impact (CCI) over the left parietotemporal cortex using roundtipnimpounder with a 5 mm diameter at a velocity ofy3.7 m/s and a penetration depth of 2 mm.nThe sham group (n512) underwent anesthesia and craniotomy without CCI. In the CCI groups,nCsA (n512) or vehicle (n512) was administered 15 minutes post-injury with a subsequent i.p.ninjection after 24 hours. Thirty-three hours after injury or sham craniotomy, 45calcium (45Ca)nsuspended in physiologic saline solution was injected in the left femoral vein. Five hours afternisotope administration, animals were killed and the brain was quickly removed and placed innpowdered dry ice. Coronal plane sections (20 mm thick) taken every 400 mm from the frontalncortex through the occipital cortex, were exposed to cyclotron films for 14 days at 218uC.nRelative optical density was utilized to provide a relative measure of 45Ca accumulation withinnseven different structures.nResults: The difference of 45Ca accumulation (measured by relative optical density) in the CsAngroup was greater by 30–70% in the following structures compared to vehicle treatedntraumatized animals: temporal cortex, CA1, anteromedial and posteromedial thalamusn(p,0.05).nConclusion: Post-traumatic 45Ca accumulation is modified under CsA. The crucial neuroprotectiveneffect of CsA might be unrelated to a reduction of post-traumatic Ca2z accumulation,nespecially with regard to the importance of Ca2z as an intracellular messenger governing a largennumber of cellular functions. [Neurol Res 2008; 30: 476–479]
机译:目的:作为一种神经保护药物,环孢菌素A(CsA)已成为创伤性脑损伤(TBI)研究中的多项实验性工作。众所周知,CsA抑制钙(Ca2z)诱导的线粒体通透性转变(mPT)。这项研究的目的是调查实验性脑损伤后CsA对Ca2z稳态变化的影响。n方法:平均体重330 g(280-350 g)的Sprague–Dawley雄性大鼠(n536)用异氟醚通过气体麻醉面具。麻醉的动物(n524)使用直径为5 mm的圆刺针以y3.7 m / s的速度和2 mm的穿透深度在左顶颞叶皮质受到可控的皮质撞击(CCI).n假手术组(n512)在没有CCI的情况下进行了麻醉和开颅手术。在CCI组中,受伤后15分钟给予nCsA(n512)或赋形剂(n512),并在24小时后进行腹膜内注射。受伤或假性颅骨切开术后三十三小时,将生理盐水中悬浮的45钙(45Ca)注入左股静脉。进行同位素检查五小时后,将动物处死并迅速取出大脑,并放入干冰中。从额叶皮质至枕叶皮质每400 mm截取的冠状平面切片(20 mm厚)在218uC下暴露于回旋加速器膜中14天.n相对光密度被用来提供在七个不同结构中45Ca积累的相对量度.n结果:与经车辆伤透的动物相比,在以下结构中,CsAn组中45Ca积累的差异(通过相对光密度测量)大30-70%:颞皮质,CA1,前内侧和后内侧丘脑(p,0.05)。创伤性45Ca积累在CsA下被修改。 CsA的关键神经保护作用可能与创伤后Ca2z积累的减少无关,特别是在Ca2z作为控制大量细胞功能的细胞内信使的重要性方面。 [Neurol Res 2008; 30:476–479]



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