首页> 外文期刊>Neurocomputing >Distributed adaptive consensus tracking control of higher-order nonlinear strict-feedback multi-agent systems using neural networks

Distributed adaptive consensus tracking control of higher-order nonlinear strict-feedback multi-agent systems using neural networks


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This paper considers the output consensus problem of tracking a desired trajectory for a group of higher order nonlinear strict-feedback multi-agent systems over directed communication topologies. Only a subset of the agents is given direct access to the desired trajectory information. A distributed adaptive consensus protocol driving all agents to track the trajectory is presented using the backstepping technique and neural networks. The Lyapunov theory is applied to guarantee that all signals in the closed loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded and that all agents' outputs synchronize to the desired trajectory with bounded residual errors. Compared with prior work, the dynamics of each agent discussed here is more general and does not require the assumption "linearity in the unknown parameters" or the matching condition. Moreover, the bounded residual errors can be reduced as small as desired by appropriately choosing design parameters. Simulation results are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文考虑了在定向通信拓扑上跟踪一组高阶非线性严格反馈多主体系统的期望轨迹的输出共识问题。仅给代理的一个子集直接访问所需的轨迹信息。使用backstepping技术和神经网络提出了驱动所有代理跟踪轨迹的分布式自适应共识协议。运用李雅普诺夫理论来确保闭环系统中的所有信号最终均一地有界,并且所有主体的输出均与具有残余残差的期望轨迹同步。与先前的工作相比,此处讨论的每个代理的动力学更为通用,不需要“未知参数中的线性”或匹配条件的假设。此外,通过适当选择设计参数,可以将边界残余误差减小到所需的程度。仿真结果包括在内,以证明所提方法的有效性。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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