首页> 外文期刊>Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on >A Spiking Neural Network System for Robust Sequence Recognition

A Spiking Neural Network System for Robust Sequence Recognition


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This paper proposes a biologically plausible network architecture with spiking neurons for sequence recognition. This architecture is a unified and consistent system with functional parts of sensory encoding, learning, and decoding. This is the first systematic model attempting to reveal the neural mechanisms considering both the upstream and the downstream neurons together. The whole system is a consistent temporal framework, where the precise timing of spikes is employed for information processing and cognitive computing. Experimental results show that the system is competent to perform the sequence recognition, being robust to noisy sensory inputs and invariant to changes in the intervals between input stimuli within a certain range. The classification ability of the temporal learning rule used in the system is investigated through two benchmark tasks that outperform the other two widely used learning rules for classification. The results also demonstrate the computational power of spiking neurons over perceptrons for processing spatiotemporal patterns. In summary, the system provides a general way with spiking neurons to encode external stimuli into spatiotemporal spikes, to learn the encoded spike patterns with temporal learning rules, and to decode the sequence order with downstream neurons. The system structure would be beneficial for developments in both hardware and software.



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