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Domino faithful feel back in the fold


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Lotus Domino is experiencing a revival within IBM, according to end users who say they couldn't be happier about the development as the annual Lotusphere conference approaches later this month in Orlando. The Lotus faithful say IBM finally has realized over the past months the importance of Domino in its wide-ranging portal and On-Demand strategy The company is now clearly incorporating the collaboration software into long-term plans that include IBM's Workplace collaboration component architecture, the DB2 database and WebSphere. "I met with a DB2 official recently and he could talk intelligently about Domino and he wasn't an ex-Lotus guy I said 'wow?" says Jim Cimino, president of Brightideas Software, a Lotus business partner. But Cimino is cau- tiously optimistic. "I'm hearing a lot and I'm hoping it's genuine. I'm excited to get to Lotusphere." IBM officials say they always intended to keep Domino in the fold even after announcing in October that they would merge the parallel development tracks of Domino and the new Lotus Workplace strategy in 2005. Lotus Workplace is a platform for collaboration services built on Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and the DB2 relational database.
机译:最终用户称,Lotus Domino正在IBM内部复兴,他们说,随着本月晚些时候在奥兰多举行的年度Lotusphere会议即将到来,他们对开发感到不满。忠实的Lotus表示IBM在过去的几个月中终于意识到Domino在其广泛的门户和按需策略中的重要性。该公司现在正在明确地将协作软件纳入长期计划中,这些长期计划包括IBM的Workplace协作组件架构, DB2数据库和WebSphere。 “最近我与一位DB2官员会面,他可以就Domino进行明智的讨论,他不是我说过的前莲花家伙,哇!” Lotus业务合作伙伴Brightideas Software总裁Jim Cimino说。但是Cimino谨慎乐观。 “我听到很多,我希望它是真的。我很高兴来到Lotusphere。” IBM官员表示,即使在十月份宣布他们将合并Domino的并行开发轨迹和2005年新的Lotus Workplace战略之后,他们始终打算保持Domino的地位。Lotus Workplace是一个基于Java 2 Platform Enterprise的协作服务平台。 Edition(J2EE)和DB2关系数据库。



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