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Pepsi bottler swallows virtualization skepticism


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Christian Messer was a virtualization skeptic not long ago. Now he swears by virtual servers. "I was very skeptical. I think it's more mentality than anything else," says Messer, who is leading a server and storage virtualization project at G&J Pepsi Cola Bottling Company in Cincinnati. "It was more of a lack of understanding on my part. As I got it in a lab environment and began playing with it, my confidence level grew." Messer, manager of information systems at G&J, explains that he had suffered numerous system crashes with Microsoft Exchange on physical servers and wasn't sure how it would perform on virtual ones. But the performance turned out to be fine, and virtualization has allowed Messer to drastically reduce disaster recovery times. "I did a test employment with Exchange 2007 in a virtual machine environment and I got incredible results," he says. "Its performance was outstanding. I've got a much higher comfort level now with virtual machines than with physical servers. I'm able to leverage a lot more of my technology and get some ROI, which looks great to the accountants." G&J is an independent bottler with more than 1,000 employees,
机译:不久前,Christian Messer对虚拟化持怀疑态度。现在他向虚拟服务器发誓。梅辛说:“我非常怀疑。我认为这比其他任何事情都重要。”梅塞尔正在领导辛辛那提G&J百事可乐瓶装公司的服务器和存储虚拟化项目。 “我更多的是缺乏理解。当我在实验室环境中开始使用它时,我的信心水平就提高了。” G&J信息系统经理Messer解释说,他在物理服务器上使用Microsoft Exchange遭受了多次系统崩溃,并且不确定它在虚拟服务器上的性能如何。但是事实证明性能不错,虚拟化使Messer大大减少了灾难恢复时间。他说:“我在虚拟机环境中使用Exchange 2007进行了测试,结果令人难以置信。” “它的性能非常出色。与使用物理服务器相比,现在使用虚拟机的舒适度要高得多。我能够利用更多的技术并获得一定的投资回报率,这对会计师而言非常好。” G&J是一家独立的装瓶厂,拥有1000多名员工,



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