
Device Diversity


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Wireless computing platforms are poised to have as disruptive an effect on enterprises as the PC did. Where the PC shifted computing power to the desktop from mainframes, wireless devices augment desktops and laptops, giving workers powerful computers that are always connected and ready to provide vital business data, thanks to their integration with enterprise information systems. Wireless devices are becoming de rigueur for "information power users," and these trendsetters' influence is considerable. Never underestimate the power of gadget envy. Add to that advances in power management, and the result is an enterprise-strength platform with tremendous practical and entertainment value for consumers, especially as costs drop. Device prices hover around $400 today, but we expect them to be cut in half over the next couple of years. The most visible success story in the mobile wireless market to date is RIM's Blackberry, a device now synonymous with the fast-moving, always-connected professional. But this is only the tip of the iceberg: We expect nearly every worker will use some form of wireless platform eventually. Initial functions will be those that come preinstalled on these devices, such as synchronized calendars, contact management, wireless messaging and e-mail. But applications will steadily expand over the next three years as organizations find new and innovative ways to make their people more productive by providing ubiquitous access to enterprise data. The number of off-the-shelf systems and tools for customized solutions also will grow quickly.



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