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Maritime Security Risks, Vulnerabilities and Cooperation: Uncertainty in the Indian Ocean


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Lee Cordner applies decades of regional experience and maritime expertise in a comprehensive assessment of the Indian Ocean maritime environment and makes a rational, risk-based argument for the necessity of cooperative approaches in maritime security within the region. Cordner's analysis of this region identifies important characteristics of the political, economic, and security environment. He also examines a broad list of other regional influences affecting maritime security and cooperation. Cordner analyzes the effects of the regions rich demographic composition and identifies significant challenges to collective action posed by differences in culture, religion, ethnicity, and language. His assessment captures the difficulty in finding common interests among Indian Ocean states. Although his analysis describes the Indian Ocean region as a disparate collection of subsystems, he identifies numerous challenges in promoting and achieving a shared value of regionalism among Indian Ocean states. Cordner further develops a multinational concept of regionalism that is more than mere collective action and activities; it also includes a shared regional identity and purpose.
机译:李·科德纳(Lee Cordner)利用数十年的区域经验和海洋专业知识,对印度洋海洋环境进行了全面评估,并提出了基于风险的理性论证,认为该区域内在海洋安全方面需要采取合作方式。科尔德纳对该地区的分析确定了政治,经济和安全环境的重要特征。他还研究了影响海洋安全与合作的其他区域影响的广泛清单。科德纳分析了人口丰富地区的影响,并确定了文化,宗教,种族和语言差异对集体行动的重大挑战。他的评估抓住了在印度洋各州之间寻找共同利益的困难。尽管他的分析将印度洋地区描述为不同的子系统集合,但他指出了在促进和实现印度洋各州之间的地区主义共同价值方面面临的诸多挑战。科尔德纳进一步发展了一个多民族的地区主义概念,而不仅仅是集体行动和活动。它还包括共享的区域标识和目的。



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