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Variations in earthquake-size distribution across different stress regimes


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The earthquake size distribution follows, in most instances, a power law(1,2), with the slope of this power law, the ' b value', commonly used to describe the relative occurrence of large and small events ( a high b value indicates a larger proportion of small earthquakes, and vice versa). Statistically significant variations of b values have been measured in laboratory experiments, mines and various tectonic regimes such as subducting slabs, near magma chambers, along fault zones and in aftershock zones(3). However, it has remained uncertain whether these differences are due to differing stress regimes, as it was questionable that samples in small volumes ( such as in laboratory specimens, mines and the shallow Earth's crust) are representative of earthquakes in general. Given the lack of physical understanding of these differences, the observation that b values approach the constant 1 if large volumes are sampled(4) was interpreted to indicate that b = 1 is a universal constant for earthquakes in general(5). Here we show that the b value varies systematically for different styles of faulting. We find that normal faulting events have the highest b values, thrust events the lowest and strike- slip events intermediate values. Given that thrust faults tend to be under higher stress than normal faults we infer that the b value acts as a stress meter that depends inversely on differential stress.
机译:在大多数情况下,地震规模分布遵循幂定律(1,2),该幂定律的斜率称为“ b值”,通常用于描述大小事件(b值较高)的相对发生率。表示较大比例的小地震,反之亦然)。在实验室实验,矿山和各种构造机制中,如俯冲板,岩浆室附近,沿断层带和余震带,测量到了b值的统计显着变化(3)。然而,仍然不确定这些差异是否是由于不同的应力机制所致,因为小量样本(例如实验室样本,矿山和浅层地壳中的样本)总体上代表地震是令人怀疑的。鉴于缺乏对这些差异的物理理解,如果对大体积样本进行采样,则b值接近常数1的观察结果(4)被解释为表明b = 1通常是地震的普遍常数(5)。在这里,我们表明b值对于不同类型的断层系统地变化。我们发现正常的断层事件具有最高的b值,推力事件具有最低的b值,走滑事件具有中间值。考虑到逆冲断层往往比正常断层承受更高的应力,我们推断b值起着应力计的作用,反过来取决于微分应力。



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