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Current measurement by real-time counting of single electrons


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The fact that electrical current is carried by individual charges has been known for over 100 years, yet this discreteness has not been directly observed so far. Almost all current measurements involve measuring the voltage drop across a resistor, using Ohm's law, in which the discrete nature of charge does not come into play. However, by sending a direct current through a microelectronic circuit with a chain of islands connected by small tunnel junctions, the individual electrons can be observed one by one. The quantum mechanical tunnelling of single charges in this one-dimensional array is time correlated(1-3), and consequently the detected signal has the average frequency f = I/e, where I is the current and e is the electron charge. Here we report a direct observation of these time-correlated single-electron tunnelling oscillations, and show electron counting in the range 5 fA - 1 pA. This represents a fundamentally new way to measure extremely small currents, without offset or drift. Moreover, our current measurement, which is based on electron counting, is self-calibrated, as the measured which is based on electron counting, is self-calibrated, as the measured frequency is related to the current only by a natural constant.
机译:电流由单个电荷承载的事实已经有100多年的历史了,但是到目前为止,这种离散性还没有被直接观察到。几乎所有电流测量都涉及使用欧姆定律测量电阻两端的电压降,在该定律中,电荷的离散特性不起作用。然而,通过通过微电子电路发送直流电,该微电子电路具有通过小隧道结连接的一连串岛,可以逐个观察单个电子。一维阵列中单电荷的量子力学隧穿与时间相关(1-3),因此检测到的信号的平均频率为f = I / e,其中I为电流,e为电子电荷。在这里,我们报告了对这些时间相关的单电子隧穿振荡的直接观察,并显示了在5 fA-1 pA范围内的电子计数。这代表了一种测量极小的电流而没有失调或漂移的根本新方法。此外,我们的基于电子计数的电流测量是自校准的,因为基于电子计数的测量是自校准的,因为测量的频率仅与电流有关,且仅取决于自然常数。



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