首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >Europe's last Mesozoic bird

Europe's last Mesozoic bird


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Birds known from more than isolated skeletal elements are rare in the fossil record, especially from the European Mesozoic. This paucity has hindered interpretations of avian evolution immediately prior to, and in the aftermath of, the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) extinction event. We report on a specimen of a large ornith-urine bird (closely related to Ichthyornis) from the uppermost Cretaceous (Maastricht Formation) of Belgium. This is the first record of a bird from these historic strata and the only phylogenetically informative ornithurine to be recovered from the Mesozoic of Europe. Because this new specimen was collected from 40 m below the K-T boundary (approximate age of 65.8 Ma), it is also the youngest non-neornithine (=non-modern) bird known from anywhere in the world.
机译:在化石记录中,罕见的是由孤立的骨骼元素组成的鸟类,尤其是欧洲中生代。这种稀缺性阻碍了白垩纪-第三纪(K-T)灭绝事件发生之前和之后对鸟类进化的解释。我们报告了来自比利时最上层白垩纪(马斯特里赫特组)的大型鸟尿鸟(与鱼鳞鸟密切相关)的标本。这是这些历史地层中鸟类的第一笔记录,也是唯一从欧洲中生代发现的具有系统发育意义的鸟氨酸。由于此新标本是从K-T边界以下40 m(大约65.8 Ma的年龄)采集的,因此它也是世界上已知的最年轻的非神经氨酸(=非现代)鸟类。



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