首页> 外文期刊>Naturwissenschaften >The Nasca and Palpa geoglyphs: geophysical and geochemical data

The Nasca and Palpa geoglyphs: geophysical and geochemical data


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The Nasca geoglyphs in the stone desert in southern Peru are part of our world cultural heritage. These remarkable drawings have roused the interest of scientists from different disciplines. Here we report the results of integrated geophysical, petrophysical, mineralogical, and geochemical investigations of the geoglyphs at six test sites in the stone desert around Nasca and Palpa. The geomagnetic measurements revealed clear indications of subsurface structures that differ from the visible surface geoglyphs. The high-resolution geoelectrical images show unexpected resistivity anomalies underneath the geoglyphs down to a depth of about 2 m. Remarkable structures were revealed in both vertical and lateral directions. No evidence was found of geochemical or mineralogical alterations of the natural geogenic materials (desert pavement environment versus geoglyphs). Neither salts nor other mineral materials were used by the Nasca people to alter or prepare the surfaces ofrngeoglyphs. This supports the hypothesis that the Nasca people simply removed stone material down to the natural hard pan horizon to create the geoglyphs.
机译:秘鲁南部石漠中的纳斯卡地理标志是我们世界文化遗产的一部分。这些引人注目的图纸引起了来自不同学科的科学家的兴趣。在这里,我们报告了纳斯卡和帕尔帕周围石漠中六个测试点的地球仪的地球物理,岩石物理,矿物学和地球化学综合研究结果。地磁测量结果清楚地表明了地下结构与可见表面地貌的不同。高分辨率的地电图像显示,在深度小于2 m的地质字形下,存在出乎意料的电阻率异常。在垂直和水平方向都显示出显着的结构。没有证据表明天然地球成因物质的地球化学或矿物学改变(沙漠路面环境与地理标志)。纳斯卡人既未使用盐也未使用其他矿物材料来改变或准备象形文字的表面。这支持了以下假设:纳斯卡人只是简单地将石料去除到自然的硬锅水平线以创建地理字形。



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