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Findings of the Chandra X-ray observatory and how they might relate to the beginning of the modern UFO era


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Scientists had long suspected a massive black hole existed at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, but it was not easy to confirm. First, one simply can't see a black hole because nothing-not even light-escapes it. A black hole's existence could only be deduced by its gravitational effects. Next, clouds of dust and gas obscured our view of the center of the galaxy. However, with the launching of the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 1999, the latter problem was considerably reduced. The orbiting observatory, although it couldn't actually see a black hole, could see a strong localized source of x-rays coming from the suspected location. Scientists explained that these didn't actually come from the black hole itself, but instead emanated from the steady stream of dust, gas, and debris about to cross the event horizon of the black hole and thus disappear forever. It was like their last scream before being devoured.



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