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Strange aspects of search for alien life


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I think future historians will be verycurious as to why the SETI and astronomical communities insist on listening for hypothetical radio signals frombeings out there, for which we haveno evidence at all, while they consistently ignore the enormous amount ofevidence that aliens have been visitingEarth for at least many decades (morelikely for millennia). They have beenobserved by witnesses all over Earth.They have been seen from the ground,from aircraft, and from space. Theyhave abducted many Earthlings without governments expressing concernabout the abduction of their citizens,as if they were specimens to be collected, examined and released without,so far as we know, getting permission.We usually call such events kidnapping, even if no ransom is demanded.Governments seemingly are veryconcerned by any intrusions into ourairspace by other Earthlings, but aregiving aliens a free pass. MUFON isreceiving over 500 UFO reports permonth even though the media havegenerally ignored them. There wasconsiderable attention paid monthsago to the report about sightingsfrom members of the To The StarsAcademy. More than $20 million hadsupposedly been spent on research.Yet there has been no demand for theevidence to be released. Have governments agreed there was no need torelease the evidence? Have there beenclose encounters during which measurements were made of the characteristics of the visiting vehicles? After all, there are defense monitoring agenciesscanning the skies from space as wellas from the ground.
机译:我认为未来的历史学家会对SETI和天文学界为何坚持从那里听到存在的假设无线电信号感到非常好奇,对此我们根本没有任何证据,而他们一直无视大量证据表明外星人至少已经访问了地球几十年(更可能是几千年)。全世界的目击者都观察到了它们。从地面,飞机和太空中都可以看到它们。他们绑架了许多地球人,而没有政府对绑架其公民表示关切,就好像他们是未经我们所知即得到许可而被收集,检查和释放的标本一样。我们通常称此类事件为绑架,即使不要求赎金也是如此。政府似乎非常关注其他地球人对我们领空的入侵,但是却给予外星人免费通行证。 MUFON每月接收500份UFO报道,即使媒体通常忽略了它们。几个月来,该报告引起了很多关注,该报告涉及到“星星学院”成员的发现。据称,已经在研究上花费了超过2000万美元。但是,仍然没有要求发布证据的要求。政府是否同意没有必要发布证据?在对访问车辆的特性进行测量时是否遇到过亲密接触?毕竟,有国防监视机构从太空和地面扫描天空。



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