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Base-dependence in reduplication


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Inkelas and Zoll (Reduplication: Doubling in morphology, 2005) designed Morphological Doubling Theory (MDT) to offer an alternative theory of reduplication that does not involve phonological copying. Contra theories of reduplication which assume that the morphophonological form of a reduplicative morpheme (a “reduplicant”) relies on the morphophonological form of some stem (its “base”), MDT disallows such “base-dependence”. Inkelas and Zoll account for many reduplication patterns without base-dependence by positing that reduplication constructions involve semantic identity, rather than phonological identity, between two stems in a compounding construction. However, we argue that certain patterns of reduplication require base-dependence. These include cases where reduplication targets the output prosodic structure of the stem, as in the “foot copy”’ reduplicants of Yidin y and “syllable copy” reduplicants of Hiaki (Yaqui). To account for these cases MDT must posit syllabic structure in the input, contra the Richness of the Base. Further, MDT cannot account for emergence of the unmarked (TETU) effects in reduplication. In Tawala, vowel-lengthening occurs in lieu of reduplication only in a predictable phonological environment: when a verb stem already contains two identical adjacent syllables at the left edge of the word. We argue that while such a pattern is a problem for MDT’s proscription against base-dependence, it can be accounted for as a simple case of TETU within Correspondence Theory, given a ranking of Faith-IO *Repeat σ Faith-BR. Thus, some of the major premises of MDT, which does not privilege a distinction between “reduplicant” and “base”, are challenged by such data.
机译:Inkelas和Zoll(重复复制:形态学上的加倍,2005)设计了形态加倍理论(MDT),以提供不涉及语音复制的另一种重复复制理论。相反的重复理论假设重复词素的词素形式(“重复剂”)依赖于某些词干的词素形式(其“碱基”),而MDT则不允许这种“碱基依赖性”。 Inkelas和Zoll通过假设重复结构涉及复合结构中两个词干之间的语义同一性而不是语音同一性,来说明许多无基数依赖的重复模式。但是,我们认为某些重复模式需要基本依赖。这些情况包括重复以目标词干的输出韵律结构为目标的情况,例如Hiaki(Yaqui)的“脚复制”的Yudin y 的重复音节和“音节复制”的重复音。为了解决这些情况,MDT必须在输入中放置音节结构,与基础的丰富度相反。此外,MDT无法解决重复中未标记(TETU)效应的出现。在塔瓦拉语中,仅在可预测的语音环境中,才进行元音加长来代替重复:当动词词干在单词的左边缘已经包含两个相同的相邻音节时。我们认为,尽管这种模式是MDT禁止基本依赖的问题,但在给定Faith-IO * Repeatσ信仰BR。因此,此类数据挑战了MDT的一些主要前提,这些前提没有特权区分“重复使用者”和“基础”。



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