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Y-Chromosomal Variation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights Into the History of Niger-Congo Groups


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Technological and cultural innovations as well as climate changes are thought to have influenced the diffusion of major language phyla in sub-Saharan Africa. The most widespread and the richest in diversity is the Niger-Congo phylum, thought to have originated in West Africa ∼10,000 years ago (ya). The expansion of Bantu languages (a family within the Niger-Congo phylum) ∼5,000 ya represents a major event in the past demography of the continent. Many previous studies on Y chromosomal variation in Africa associated the Bantu expansion with haplogroup E1b1a (and sometimes its sublineage E1b1a7). However, the distribution of these two lineages extends far beyond the area occupied nowadays by Bantu-speaking people, raising questions on the actual genetic structure behind this expansion. To address these issues, we directly genotyped 31 biallelic markers and 12 microsatellites on the Y chromosome in 1,195 individuals of African ancestry focusing on areas that were previously poorly characterized (Botswana, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia). With the inclusion of published data, we analyzed 2,736 individuals from 26 groups representing all linguistic phyla and covering a large portion of sub-Saharan Africa. Within the Niger-Congo phylum, we ascertain for the first time differences in haplogroup composition between Bantu and non-Bantu groups via two markers (U174 and U175) on the background of haplogroup E1b1a (and E1b1a7), which were directly genotyped in our samples and for which genotypes were inferred from published data using linear discriminant analysis on short tandem repeat (STR) haplotypes. No reduction in STR diversity levels was found across the Bantu groups, suggesting the absence of serial founder effects. In addition, the homogeneity of haplogroup composition and pattern of haplotype sharing between Western and Eastern Bantu groups suggests that their expansion throughout sub-Saharan Africa reflects a rapid spread followed by backward and forward migrations. Overall, we found that linguistic affiliations played a notable role in shaping sub-Saharan African Y chromosomal diversity, although the impact of geography is clearly discernible.
机译:人们认为,技术和文化创新以及气候变化已经影响了撒哈拉以南非洲主要语言门的传播。分布最广,最丰富的物种是尼日尔-刚果门,它起源于大约一万年前的西非(ya)。班图语(尼日尔-刚果门族中的一个家庭)的扩展至5,000 ya是该大陆过去人口统计学中的一个重大事件。以前,许多关于非洲Y染色体变异的研究都将班图扩展与单倍群E1b1a(有时还包括其亚系E1b1a7)联系起来。然而,这两个谱系的分布远远超出了如今讲班图语的人所占据的区域,这引发了人们对该扩展背后的实际遗传结构的疑问。为了解决这些问题,我们直接对1195个非洲血统个体的Y染色体上的31个双等位标记和12个微卫星进行了基因分型,这些个体侧重于以前特征较差的地区(博茨瓦纳,布基纳法索,刚果民主共和国和赞比亚)。包括已发布的数据,我们分析了26个群体的2736名个体,这些个体代表所有语言门,并且覆盖了撒哈拉以南非洲的大部分地区。在尼日尔-刚果种群中,我们首次通过单基因组E1b1a(和E1b1a7)的背景,通过两个标记(U174和U175)首次确定了班图族和非班图族之间的单倍体组成差异。以及使用短串联重复(STR)单倍型的线性判别分析从公开数据推断出的基因型。在所有班图族中均未发现STR多样性水平降低,这表明没有连续的创始人效应。此外,西部和东部班图人群体之间的单倍群体组成的同质性和单倍型共享的模式表明,它们在整个撒哈拉以南非洲地区的扩张反映了迅速传播,随后又向前和向后迁移。总体而言,我们发现语言联系在塑造撒哈拉以南非洲Y染色体多样性中起着显著作用,尽管地理的影响是显而易见的。



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