首页> 外文期刊>Modern Italy >The interaction of methodology with an impegno del dopo in Nuto Revelli's collections of oral testimonies

The interaction of methodology with an impegno del dopo in Nuto Revelli's collections of oral testimonies

机译:方法论与后来的Nuto Revelli的口头证明合集的互动

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Among his varied publications, Nuto Revelli (1919-2004) produced three collections of oral testimonies gathered from the contadini (peasants) of Piedmont: La strada del davai, Il mondo dei vinti and L'anello forte. This article argues that these collections were the product of the same specific impegno del dopo ('obligation of afterwards') as his initial autobiographical writings, which had arisen from his experiences as an officer on the Russian Front during the Second World War. From this premise, the article then examines the interaction of Revelli's sense of impegno del dopo with the methodology he developed. The article concludes with an assessment of Revelli's stated aims and his actual achievements.
机译:Nuto Revelli(1919-2004)在他的各种出版物中,从皮埃蒙特的农民(农民)那里收集了三份口头证词:La strada del davai,Il mondo dei vinti和L'anello forte。本文认为,这些收藏品是与他最初的自传体写作相同的“ impegno del dopo”(“事后义务”)的产物,后者源于他在第二次世界大战期间担任俄罗斯前线军官的经历。在此前提下,本文然后考察了Revelli的impegno del dopo意识与他开发的方法的相互作用。本文最后对Revelli的既定目标和他的实际成就进行了评估。



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