首页> 外文期刊>Modelling, Measurement & Control. Series C, Energetics, chemistry & chemical engineering, earth resources, environment, biom >A Methodological Framework for Writing Assistance Systems: Applications to Sibylle and VITIPI Systems

A Methodological Framework for Writing Assistance Systems: Applications to Sibylle and VITIPI Systems


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This paper concerns the evaluation of Writing Assistance Systems (WAS). More precisely, it focuses on the evaluation of the linguistic process (word prediction) of these systems. We show that most of present evaluation frameworks are not really fitted to the real needs of disabled. A methodological and a common evaluation framework of WAS. is then proposed. This evaluation is based on an objective metric which is easy to compute andto interpret, as well as an "ecological" collection of test data (i.e. texts wrote by a disableb people). This framework has been applied in an evaluation campaign that involved two systems: Sibylle and VITIPI. These experiments are described into details and results are given as well. Finally, we suggest future prospects for this evaluation framework.
机译:本文涉及对写作辅助系统(WAS)的评估。更准确地说,它着重于对这些系统的语言过程(单词预测)的评估。我们表明,目前大多数评估框架都无法真正满足残疾人的实际需求。 WAS的方法论和通用评估框架。然后提出。该评估基于易于计算和解释的客观指标以及测试数据(即残疾人编写的文本)的“生态”收集。此框架已在涉及两个系统的评估活动中应用:Sibylle和VITIPI。详细描述了这些实验,并给出了结果。最后,我们建议该评估框架的未来前景。



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