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DICE-E: A Framework for Conducting Darknet Identification, Collection, Evaluation with Ethics


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Society's growing dependence on computers and information technologies has been matched by an escalation of the frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks committed by criminals operating from the Darknet. As a result, security researchers have taken an interest in scrutinizing the Darknet and other underground web communities to develop a better understanding of cybercriminals and emerging threats. However, many scholars lack the capability or expertise to operationalize Darknet research and are thus unable to contribute to this increasingly impactful body ofliterature. This article introduces a framework for guiding such research, called Darknet Identification, Collection, Evaluation, with Ethics (DICE-E). The DICE-E framework provides a focused reference point and detailed guidelines for scholars wishing to become active in the Darknet research stream. Four steps to conducting Darknet forum research are outlined: (1) identification of Darknet data sources, (2) data collection strategies, (3) evaluation of Darknet data, and (4) ethical concerns related to Darknet research. To illustrate how DICE-E can be utilized, an example empirical study is reported. This exemplar illustrates how DICE-E can guide scholars through key decision points when attempting to incorporate the Darknet within their research.
机译:社会越来越依赖计算机和信息技术,与此同时,暗网行动的犯罪分子对网络攻击的频率和复杂程度也不断提高。结果,安全研究人员对仔细检查Darknet和其他地下网络社区产生了兴趣,以更好地了解网络犯罪分子和新出现的威胁。但是,许多学者缺乏开展暗网研究的能力或专业知识,因此无法为这一日益影响深远的文学团体做出贡献。本文介绍了一种指导此类研究的框架,称为“基于道德的身份识别,收集,评估”(DICE-E)。 DICE-E框架为希望活跃在Darknet研究流中的学者提供了集中的参考点和详细的指南。概述了进行Darknet论坛研究的四个步骤:(1)识别Darknet数据源,(2)数据收集策略,(3)评估Darknet数据,以及(4)与Darknet研究相关的道德问题。为了说明如何使用DICE-E,报告了一个示例性的经验研究。该示例说明了DICE-E在尝试将Darknet纳入其研究过程中如何引导学者通过关键决策点。



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