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After a successful sojourn, my tour in Europe was coming to an end. My new assignment took me to Fort Hood, Texas, where my new boss, the adjutant general of Fort Hood, appointed me postmaster. The operation of all the post offices on this sprawling military base was to be my bailiwick. As luck would have it, the most famous young person in the world at the time was assigned to Fort Hood, resulting in an avalanche of letters, postcards, and even photographs autographed in lipstick to "the coolest cat in Texas." With this national adoration, every postmaster in the U.S. knew where to dump his dead letter mail: to Fort Hood, forwarded to Pvt. Elvis Presley, USA. My cries for help initially resulted in 10 new men and finally graduated to 60 total "sack draggers" to unload the many boxcars loaded with mailbags. This problem continued with no immediate solution in sight.
机译:一次成功的逗留之后,我在欧洲的旅行即将结束。我的新任务将我带到德克萨斯州的胡德堡,在那里,我的新任老板,胡德堡的副总任命我为邮政局长。在这个庞大的军事基地,所有邮局的运作都将由我负责。幸运的是,当时世界上最著名的年轻人被分配到胡德堡,导致大量的信件,明信片,甚至是用口红亲笔签名的照片,成为“得克萨斯州最酷的猫”。有了这项全国性的崇拜,美国的每个邮政局长都知道将死信寄往何处:发给胡德堡,再转发给Pvt。美国猫王(Elvis Presley)。我的求救呼声最初招募了10名新兵,最后毕业了60个“麻袋车”,以卸下许多装有邮袋的棚车。这个问题继续存在,没有立即解决的办法。



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