首页> 外文期刊>Middle Eastern Studies >The Value to CENTO of UK Bases on Cyprus

The Value to CENTO of UK Bases on Cyprus


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The British sovereign bases on Cyprus, granted with the 1960 treaty establishing the Republic of Cyprus, played a key role in maintaining the fragile military structure of the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO). Although Britain and the United States urged the alliance to play a more active role, CENTO degenerated into an organization with no assigned forces with the exception of RAF bombers carrying nuclear weapons, stationed on Cyprus. Thus, Britain's contribution in political and military terms became vital for CENTO's deterrence capability. The Shah of Iran, one of the key regional leaders, was interested in the RAF bombers on Cyprus; the FCO and the MoD were always cautious over how force restructuring would be presented to the Iranians. Eventually, the need for cutting defence spending for non-NATO purposes made Whitehall decide in 1975 to withdraw the bombers permanently based in Cyprus. Britain could not be the only power paying for this 'alliance of the unwilling', as CENTO could be called with the benefit of hindsight. In 1976, Whitehall started scaling down financial support of military exercises; by 1983 they had planned to spend nil on the alliance. The British disengagement policy proved the correct one since this alliance had only a few years of life left. After the fall of the Shah, CENTO collapsed in 1979.
机译:1960年建立塞浦路斯共和国的条约授予英国以塞浦路斯为基础的主权主权,在维护中央条约组织(CENTO)脆弱的军事结构方面发挥了关键作用。尽管英美两国敦促该联盟发挥更积极的作用,但CENTO沦为一个组织,除驻扎在塞浦路斯的皇家空军轰炸机携带核武器外,该组织没有指定部队。因此,英国在政治和军事方面的贡献对于CENTO的威慑能力至关重要。伊朗的国王(Shah)是主要的地区领导人之一,对皇家空军对塞浦路斯的轰炸机很感兴趣。 FCO和MoD始终对如何向伊朗人提出部队重组持谨慎态度。最终,出于非北约目的而削减国防开支的需求使怀特霍尔于1975年决定撤出永久位于塞浦路斯的轰炸机。英国可能不是唯一为这种“不愿者的联盟”付出代价的大国,因为CENTO可能是事后看来的。 1976年,怀特霍尔(Whitehall)开始缩减军事演习的财政支持。到1983年,他们计划在联盟中花费零。英国的脱离接触政策被证明是正确的,因为这个联盟只剩下几年的生命。国王(Shah)沦陷后,CENTO在1979年瓦解。



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