首页> 外文期刊>Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET >Evaluating residual errors in waveguide VNAs from microwave to submillimetre-wave frequencies

Evaluating residual errors in waveguide VNAs from microwave to submillimetre-wave frequencies


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Vector network analysers (VNAs) are used extensively for measurements that are made at frequencies ranging from a few kilohertz to at least one terahertz. At radio and microwave frequencies, there are well-established methods for assessing the quality and confidence of these measurements, when they are made in coaxial lines. These methods are usually based on determining the size of residual errors that remain in the VNA after calibration. To date, the performance of these methods has not been investigated in rectangular waveguide, and, at millimetre- and submillimetre-wave frequencies. This study investigates the application of one of these techniques for waveguide measurements at microwave, millimetre- and submillimetre-wave frequencies. Typical values of residual errors obtained over these frequency ranges are given, and range from 0.001 to 0.024 linear units up to 220 GHz. Above this frequency, the technique is shown to underestimate some residual errors. The values reported up to 220 GHz are considered representative and so can be used by other users of waveguide VNAs to compare with values obtained on their own systems; therefore, helping to verify the performance of their systems.
机译:矢量网络分析仪(VNA)广泛用于在几千赫兹到至少一太赫兹的频率范围内进行测量。在射频和微波频率下,当它们在同轴线路中进行测量时,有完善的方法可以评估这些测量的质量和置信度。这些方法通常基于确定校准后保留在VNA中的残留误差的大小。迄今为止,尚未在矩形波导以及毫米波和亚毫米波频率下研究这些方法的性能。这项研究调查了其中一种技术在微波,毫米波和亚毫米波频率下的波导测量中的应用。给出了在这些频率范围内获得的残余误差的典型值,范围高达0.001至0.024,直到220 GHz。在此频率以上,该技术显示出低估了一些残留误差。报告的高达220 GHz的值被认为具有代表性,因此,波导VNA的其他用户可以将其与在自己的系统上获得的值进行比较;因此,有助于验证其系统的性能。



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