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Extensively reared Iberian pigs versus intensively reared white pigs for the manufacture of liver pate


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Physico-chemical characteristics and quality traits of the raw ingredients (muscle cuadriceps femoris, liver and adipose tissue) and the pates made from extensively reared Iberian pigs and intensively reared white pigs, were evaluated. The differences found between muscles, livers and adipose tissues from Iberian and white pigs influenced the characteristics of the pates. Compared to pates from white pigs, pates from Iberian pigs had a higher content of heme iron (27.5 μg/g vs 11.5 μg/g; p < 0.05) and lower content of non-heme iron (27.5 μg/g vs 33.7 μg/g; p < 0.05). Pates from Iberian pigs exhibited a darker colour (L*: 18.6 vs 15.9, p < 0.05) with less redness (a* values: 9.1 vs 11.3; p < 0.05) and yellowness (b* values: 13.1 vs 14.8, p < 0.05). Thus, pates from white pigs had higher values of chroma (18.6 vs 15.9, p < 0.05) and smaller values of hue (52.5 vs 55.2, p < 0.05) that those from Iberian pigs' pates. In fatty acid composition, pates from white pigs had higher proportions of SFA (37.9% vs 32.8%, p < 0.05) and PUFA (14.4% vs 9.6%, p < 0.05) than pates from Iberian pigs and lower percentages of oleic (53.4% vs 43.6%, p < 0.05) and total of MUFA (57.5% vs 47.6%, p < 0.05). Pates from Iberian pigs had a lower n ― 6 ― 3 values (13.2 vs 17.2; p < 0.05).
机译:评价了原料(肌肉发达的股ad,肝脏和脂肪组织)以及由伊比利亚大猪和大白猪组成的肉的理化特性和品质特性。伊比利亚猪和白猪的肌肉,肝脏和脂肪组织之间的差异影响了肉酱的特性。与白猪的肉相比,伊比利亚猪的肉中的血红素铁含量更高(27.5μg/ g vs 11.5μg/ g; p <0.05),而非血红素铁含量更低(27.5μg/ g vs 33.7μg/ g; p <0.05)。伊比利亚猪的胸肉显示出较深的颜色(L *:18.6 vs 15.9,p <0.05),较少的红色(a *值:9.1 vs 11.3; p <0.05)和黄色(b *值:13.1 vs 14.8,p <0.05) )。因此,与伊比利亚猪的胸肉相比,白猪的胸肉具有较高的色度值(18.6对15.9,p <0.05),色相较小(52.5对55.2,p <0.05)。在脂肪酸组成方面,白猪的头皮中SFA的比例较高(37.9%比32.8%,p <0.05)和PUFA(14.4%的比例为9.6%,p <0.05),而伊比利亚猪的头皮比例较低(53.4) %vs. 43.6%,p <0.05)和MUFA总数(57.5%vs 47.6%,p <0.05)。伊比利亚猪的胸肉的n-6 / n-3值较低(13.2对17.2; p <0.05)。



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