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Consumer interest in environmental impact, safety, health and animal welfare aspects of modern pig production: Results of a cross-national choice experiment


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AbstractAre consumers interested in aspects of pig production and do they take these into account in their buying decisions when such information is available? Samples of consumers in Germany and Poland selected the two – for them – most important out of a list of ten production characteristics, relating to animal welfare, health and safety, and environmental issues. In a subsequent choice experiment, the relative weight these characteristics had in consumers' choices was estimated. Relative importance of production characteristics varied between consumer segments, with theproduction interestedsegment being bigger in Germany than in Poland. With the exception of one animal welfare related criterion in Germany, those production characteristics that consumers perceive as most important relate to health and safety aspects rather than to animal welfare and environmental impact.HighlightsA choice experiment investigated the role of production characteristics in consumer choice of pork.In both Germany and Poland, there is a consumer segment that finds production characteristics important.Production characteristics with individual benefits are most important.Results indicate possibilities for product positioning based on safety and health.
机译: 摘要 消费者是否对生猪生产方面有兴趣,并且在获得此类信息时是否将其纳入购买决策中?在德国和波兰的消费者样本中,从与动物福利,健康与安全以及环境问题有关的十个生产特征中选出了最重要的两个。在随后的选择实验中,估计了这些特征在消费者选择中的相对权重。生产特征的相对重要性在不同的消费群体之间有所不同,与德国相比,感兴趣的生产细分市场更大。除了德国一项与动物福利有关的标准外,消费者认为最重要的生产特征与健康和安全方面有关,而与动物福利和环境影响无关。 突出显示 选择实验调查了生产特性在猪肉消费者选择中的作用。 在在德国和波兰,都有一个消费者群体认为其生产特性很重要。< / ce:para> 具有个人利益的生产特征最为重要。 < ce:para id =“ p0020” view =“ all”>结果表明基于安全和健康的产品定位的可能性。



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