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On the Asymptotic Enumeration of Labeled Connected k-Cyclic Graphs without Bridges


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We consider undirected simple connected graphs. A outpoint of a connected graph is a vertex such that, after the deletion of this vertex together with the edges incident to it, the graph becomes disconnected. A block is a connected graph without cutpoints or a maximal connected nontrivial subgraph without cutpoints. A bridge in a connected graph is an edge such that removing it makes the graph disconnected. The cyclomatic number of a connected graph equals the difference between the number of edges and the number of vertices in the graph plus 1. A k-cyclic graph is a graph whose cyclomatic number equals k. Hanlon and Robinson [1] enumerated both unlabeled and labeled graphs without bridges. For the generating function of a labeled graph, they obtained a functional-differential equation and a nonlinear partial differential equation. However, their formulas have not been reduced to a form convenient for calculation. Probably, this is the reason why Sloane's classical The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences [2] contains no data on the number of labeled graphs without bridges (that is, 2-edge-connected graphs).
机译:我们考虑无向简单的连接图形。连接图的出口是顶点,使得在与入射的边缘一起删除该顶点之后,图形变得断开。块是连接图,没有切口或没有切口的最大连接的非动力子图。连接图中的桥梁是一个边缘,使得删除它使得图表断开连接。连接图的循环数等于图形加1中的边缘数和顶点的数量之间的差值。k环曲线图是循环数等于k的曲线图。 Hanlon和Robinson [1]枚举了没有桥梁的未标记和标记的图形。对于标记图的生成功能,它们获得了功能微分方程和非线性偏微分方程。然而,它们的公式尚未降低到方便计算的形式。可能,这就是为什么Sloane经典的整数序列的在线百科全书[2]不包含有关没有桥梁的标记图的数量的数据(即2边连接的图形)。



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