首页> 外文期刊>Maternal and Child Health Journal >Understanding the Association of Biomedical, Psychosocial and Behavioral Risks with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Among African-Americans in Washington, DC

Understanding the Association of Biomedical, Psychosocial and Behavioral Risks with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Among African-Americans in Washington, DC


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This study investigates the relationship between adverse pregnancy outcomes in high-risk African American women in Washington, DC and sociodemographic risk factors, behavioral risk factors, and the most common and interrelated medical conditions occurring during pregnancy: diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, and Body Mass Index (BMI). Data are from a randomized controlled trial conducted in 6 prenatal clinics. Women in their 1st or 2nd trimester were screened for behavioral risks (smoking, environmental tobacco smoke exposure, depression, and intimate partner violence) and demographic eligibility. 1,044 were eligible, interviewed and followed through their pregnancies. Classification and Regression Trees (CART) methodology was used to: (1) explore the relationship between medical and behavioral risks (reported at enrollment), sociodemographic factors and pregnancy outcomes; (2) identify the relative importance of various predictors of adverse pregnancy outcomes; and (3) characterize women at the highest risk of poor pregnancy outcomes. The strongest predictors of poor outcomes were prepregnancy BMI, preconceptional diabetes, employment status, intimate partner violence, and depression. In CART analysis, preeclampsia was the first splitter for low birthweight; preconceptional diabetes was the first splitter for preterm birth (PTB) and neonatal intensive care admission; BMI was the first splitter for very PTB, large for gestational age, Cesarean section and perinatal death; employment was the first splitter for miscarriage. Preconceptional factors strongly influence pregnancy outcomes. For many of these women, the high risks they brought into pregnancy were more likely to impact their pregnancy outcomes than events during pregnancy.
机译:这项研究调查了华盛顿特区的高危非洲裔美国妇女的不良妊娠结局与社会人口统计学危险因素,行为危险因素以及妊娠期间最常见和相关的医学状况之间的关系:糖尿病,高血压,先兆子痫和体重索引(BMI)。数据来自在6个产前诊所进行的随机对照试验。对处于妊娠中期或中期的妇女进行行为风险筛查(吸烟,环境烟草烟雾暴露,抑郁和亲密伴侣暴力)和人口资格。 1,044名符合条件的人,接受了采访并进行了怀孕。分类和回归树(CART)方法用于:(1)探索医学和行为风险(入学时报告),社会人口统计学因素与妊娠结局之间的关系; (2)确定各种不良妊娠结局指标的相对重要性; (3)指出妇女妊娠结局风险最高的特征。不良结局的最有力预测指标是孕前BMI,孕前糖尿病,就业状况,亲密伴侣暴力和抑郁。在CART分析中,先兆子痫是低出生体重的第一个因素。妊娠前糖尿病是早产和新生儿重症监护病房的第一个分配器; BMI是第一个用于非常PTB的分配器,可用于胎龄,剖宫产和围产期死亡。就业是流产的第一个因素。孕前因素强烈影响妊娠结局。对于这些妇女中的许多人来说,她们怀孕的高风险比怀孕期间的事件更有可能影响她们的怀孕结果。



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