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Photoluminescence Of Nitrogen-doped Anatase


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Photoluminescence depending on nitrogen concentration was investigated using anatase-type TiO_2 prepared by the calcination of a mixture of titanyl sulfate hydrate and urea. The substitutional ratio (x) of nitrogen in TiO_2 was successfully varied from 0.004 to 0.022 by changing the molar ratio of the mixture. The absorbance at 380-560 nm due to the formation of mid-gap states was proportional to the substitutional ratio of nitrogen controlled by the preparation conditions. In contrast, the fluorescent intensity at 382 nm originating from the band-to-band transition monotonically decreased with an increase in the substitutional ratio with an expansion of the anatase lattice. On the other hand, the maximum intensity of photoluminescence at 560 nm excited at 350 nm, which could be associated with the transition from the conduction band to the mid-gap states, was observed at x = 0.01. The optimal substitutional ratio for the emission was almost agreed with that for the photocatalytic decomposition of methylene blue and acetaldehyde under visible-light illumination. The photoluminescence was fundamentally determined by the balance between photoexcitation originating from a sufficient number of mid-gap states and deacti-vation of excited electrons and holes due to lattice distortion or defective states induced with the nitrogen doping.
机译:使用锐钛矿型TiO_2,通过煅烧水合硫酸氧钛和尿素的混合物,研究了取决于氮浓度的光致发光。通过改变混合物的摩尔比,成功地将TiO_2中氮的取代比(x)从0.004改变为0.022。由于形成中间能隙状态,在380-560 nm处的吸光度与制备条件控制的氮取代比成正比。相反,源于带间跃迁的382nm处的荧光强度随着锐钛矿晶格的扩大而取代率的增加而单调降低。另一方面,在x = 0.01处观察到在350 nm激发的560 nm处的最大光致发光强度,这可能与从导带到中带隙态的跃迁有关。在可见光照射下,最佳的发光取代率与亚甲基蓝和乙醛的光催化分解几乎吻合。光致发光基本上是由足够的中间能隙态引起的光激发与由于晶格畸变或氮掺杂引起的缺陷态引起的激发电子和空穴的失活之间的平衡来确定的。



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