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Satisfaction Spillovers Across Categories


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We provide a descriptive study of the cross-category effects of satisfaction with financial services on retention behavior. Behavioral contrast and learning theories provide the bases for our understanding of these effects. Our empirical results reveal the following: (i) Across banking and investment categories, when customers have different providers, satisfaction with one lowers the retention probability in the other service. (ii) A customer who is dissatisfied with the investment service is more likely to stay with the current banking service. (iii) Significantly, we find that when the same firm is involved in both categories, dissatisfaction with the firm in the investment category spills over into the banking category thereby lowering its retention probability. We also find that: (a) among customers who are satisfied with banking (investment), more exposure to media increases retention probability; (b) although switching costs and order of acquisition affect retention, they do not show cross-category interactions with satisfaction. We then obtain implications for customer lifetime value (CLV) and show that it can increase satisfaction by leveraging both the within and across category effects. Bottom line: It is important for a company providing multiple services to measure satisfaction at the category level but to manage customers across categories.
机译:我们提供对金融服务满意度对保留行为的跨类别影响的描述性研究。行为对比和学习理论为我们理解这些影响提供了基础。我们的经验结果揭示了以下内容:(i)在银行和投资类别中,当客户拥有不同的提供者时,对其中一个提供服务的满意度会降低对另一种服务的保留率。 (ii)对投资服务不满意的客户更有可能继续使用当前的银行服务。 (iii)重要的是,我们发现当同一家公司同时属于这两种类别时,在投资类别中对公司的不满情绪会扩散到银行类别中,从而降低其保留可能性。我们还发现:(a)在对银行(投资)感到满意的客户中,更多地接触媒体会增加保留率; (b)尽管转换成本和获取顺序会影响保留率,但它们并未显示出满意的跨类别交互。然后,我们获得了对客户生命周期价值(CLV)的暗示,并表明它可以通过利用类别内和类别间的影响来提高满意度。底线:对于提供多种服务的公司而言,衡量类别级别的满意度但管理跨类别的客户非常重要。



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