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An Underwater Color Viewing System—What It Can And Will Do


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The history of underwater television cameras is basically the history of black and white systems. Early cameras were simply studio-type units which were modified to make them waterproof. At best, they were bulky and unreliable because of their high power and multi-control cable requirements. These repackaged studio cameras could only be used for simple viewing tasks close to the surface, and then without much success. Underwater TV has come a long way since 1960 when Hydro Products designed the first camera system specifically for use in water. In recent years, the application of underwater TV has been expanded to include complete systems which have become vital tools in such major underwater operations as ocean research, mining, and in particular offshore drilling. Break throughs in semiconductor technology and resultant miniaturization of the electronic portion of the television camera were significant steps in the development of small, high performance television equipment with low operation power requirements. Present underwater TV cameras have evolved to a high level of sophistication, utilizing special optical and housing configurations to suit virtually every type of application.
机译:水下电视摄像机的历史基本上就是黑白系统的历史。早期的相机只是摄影棚式的设备,经过修改可以使其防水。充其量,由于它们的高功率和多控制电缆要求,它们笨重且不可靠。这些重新包装的摄影机只能用于接近地面的简单观看任务,但收效甚微。自1960年Hydro Products设计了第一台专门用于水中的摄像系统以来,水下电视已经走了很长一段路。近年来,水下电视的应用已扩展到包括完整的系统,这些系统已成为诸如海洋研究,采矿尤其是海上钻探等主要水下作业中的重要工具。半导体技术的突破以及电视摄像机电子部分的小型化是开发小型,高性能,低操作功率电视设备的重要步骤。当前的水下电视摄像机已经发展到高度复杂的水平,利用特殊的光学和外壳配置来适应几乎所有类型的应用。



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