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Long-term Study of an Estuarine Mudflat Subjected to Petro-chemical Discharges


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The Kinneil intertidal area, situated in the middle reaches of the Forth estuary, eastern Scotland, has been subject to the effects of industrial discharges, principally from petro-chemical industries (oil refinery and chemical works) since the 1920s. The intertidal fauna has been studied annually since 1976 using consistent methodology (90 stations, each with two samples of 5 x 5 x 5 cm, through a 250 μm sieve). The study continues, now providing over 20 yr of data. During the study period the discharges from the industrial sources have been reduced substantially through a combination of plant closure and modernization and the installation of effluent treatment works. Furthermore, the River Avon which flows across the area has experienced substantial improvements in water quality, attributed to improvements in waste treatment works at localities upstream from the estuarine site. Fluctuations of the faunal composition of the mudflats have been studied over the period. Some species; such as Hydrobia ulvae, Cerastoderma edule, and Nereis diver-sicolor show substantial fluctuations but no clear trend, whilst others such as Corophium volutator, Macoma balthica and Eteone longa show clear increases in abundance. Overall, however, the clearest trends have been increases in diversity, expressed either as mean number of species per station, or as diversity indices. These increases in diversity are shown to be a clear community response to the improvements made to the petro-chemical wastes discharged to the area.
机译:自1920年代以来,位于苏格兰东部Forth河口中游的Kinneil潮间带一直受到工业排放的影响,这些排放主要来自石化工业(炼油厂和化工厂)。自1976年以来,每年都使用一致的方法研究潮间带动物区系(90个站,每个站有两个5 x 5 x 5 cm样品,通过250μm筛网)。这项研究仍在继续,现在提供了20多年的数据。在研究期间,通过关闭工厂和进行现代化改造以及安装污水处理厂,大大减少了工业来源的排放。此外,流经该地区的埃文河水质得到了实质性改善,这归因于河口上游上游地区废物处理工作的改善。在此期间,已经研究了滩涂动物群组成的波动。一些种类;诸如Hydrobia ulvae,Cerastoderma edule和Nereis diver-color表现出明显的波动,但没有明显的趋势,而其他诸如Corophium v​​olutator,Macoma balthica和Eteone longa的表现出明显的增加。总体而言,最明显的趋势是多样性的增加,用每站物种的平均数量或多样性指数来表示。这些多样性的增加表明是社区对排放到该地区的石化废料的改善的明确反应。



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