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Riding the tide: use of a moving tidal-stream habitat by harbour porpoises


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Tidal-stream habitats present periodically fast-flowing, turbulent conditions. Evidence suggests that these conditions benefit top predators such as harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena, presumably allowing them to optimise exploitation of prey resources. However, clear demonstration of this relationship is complicated by the fact that strong tidal flows often occur near-simultaneously across a wide area. The Great Race of the Gulf of Corryvreckan (western Scotland, UK) is a jetting tidal system where high-energy conditions persist across a broad range of tidal phases in a localised, moving patch of water. Porpoises can therefore actively enter or avoid this habitat, facilitating study of their usage of adjacent high-and low-energy environments. The distribution of harbour porpoises was studied using passive acoustic porpoise detectors (C-PODs) deployed on static moorings (similar to 35 d) and on Lagrangian drifters moving freely with the current (up to similar to 48 h). This dual approach provided complementary perspectives on porpoise presence. C-PODs moored in the path of the Great Race registered a significant increase in detections during the passing of the energetic tidal jet. Encounter durations recorded by drifting C-PODs were longer than those recorded by moored C-PODs, suggesting that porpoises tended to move downstream with the flow rather than remaining stationary relative to the seabed or moving upstream. The energetic, turbulent conditions of the Great Race are clearly attractive to porpoises, and they track its movement with time; however, their structured movements in response to the evolving tidal situation cannot simply be represented as a direct relationship between current speed and porpoise presence.
机译:潮汐生境定期出现快速流动的湍流条件。有证据表明,这些条件有利于顶级捕食者,例如海豚海豚(Phocoena phocoena),大概使它们能够优化猎物资源的开发。但是,由于在宽广区域几乎同时发生强大的潮流,这一事实使这种关系的清楚证明变得复杂。 Corryvreckan海湾大赛(英国西苏格兰)是一个喷射式潮汐系统,在局部,移动的水域中,高能条件在广泛的潮汐阶段持续存在。因此,海豚可以主动进入或避开该栖息地,从而有助于研究其在邻近的高能和低能环境中的使用。港口海豚的分布是使用无源声学海豚探测器(C-POD)进行研究的,该探测器部署在静态系泊(类似于35 d)和拉格朗日漂移器上随电流自由移动(长达48 h)。这种双重方法提供了关于海豚存在的补充观点。在充满活力的潮汐喷流通过期间,停泊在“大种族”路径上的C-POD记录到的探测量大大增加。漂流的C-POD记录的持续时间比系泊的C-POD记录的持续时间更长,这表明海豚倾向于随水流向下游移动,而不是相对于海床保持静止或向上游移动。大赛充满活力,动荡的环境对海豚显然很有吸引力,它们随着时间的推移追踪其运动。然而,它们对潮汐情况变化的结构化运动不能简单地表示为当前速度与海豚的存在之间的直接关系。



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