首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part C, Manufacturing >A generic IDEFO model of quality assurance information systems for the design-to-order manufacturing environment

A generic IDEFO model of quality assurance information systems for the design-to-order manufacturing environment


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In spite of advances in computer technologies, information processing, automation technologies, manufacturing processes, and the push for integration across all functional areas toward a totally automated manufacturing system, the suggestion is that quality assurance is usually missing. On the other hand, quality-based competition is showing that quality management based on inspection is far from reality and that producing defect-free products is not enough. It is necessary to know the customers first and then to satisfy, or surpass, their requirements in order to remain competitive. In the context of company-wide quality and ISO9000, this can be achieved by designing quality into every aspect of an organization as part of an integrated quality assurance system. In this paper, a structural model for integrated quality assurance information systems (QAIS's) using IDEFO methodology, is presented. It is intended that a knowledge-based expert system linked to this structural model will provide a DSS to assist design of quality assurance systems with appropriate information flows to suit the requirements of various business profiles.



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