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How Can the Lessons from Literature be Used in Business?


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The worlds of literature and business are as different as they get. While literature often revels in the artistic and abstract aspects, business focuses on the more practical and realistic facets of life. Literature talks ideas, business speaks money. Writers express themselves with words, businessmen prove themselves through numbers. Former US President Calvin Coolidge once exclaimed, "The business of America is business. Not Art!" (Westbrook, 1980:1). However, this difference is, at most, on the surface. Literature and business intertwine on more perspectives than one might think. For example, there are traces of corporate capitalism in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle in which workers are portrayed as "slaves to the economic system" (Watts, 1982:77). Or Joseph Heller's Something Happened depicts the harsh rules of business by which anyone who is not contributing efficiently to the success of a company will be discarded, also known as corporate Darwinism (Homer, 1992:27). Or in Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, with a humourous tone, medieval England is modernised with various economic measures, such as new currency, stock exchange in the court, and full-time employment for the knights, and hence saved from financial ruins (Westbrook, 1980:49). In other words, literature has been drawing inspirations from the financial market. Therefore, it might not be surprising if there are major themes in literature than can be applied to the corporate world. In fact, managers at all levels can learn valuable lessons for the many areas of business from literature.
机译:文学和商业世界千差万别。尽管文学常常在艺术和抽象方面令人反感,但商业却专注于生活中更加实际和现实的方面。文学讲思想,生意讲钱。作家用文字表达自己,商人通过数字表达自己。美国前总统卡尔文·柯立芝曾大喊:“美国的生意就是生意。不是艺术!” (Westbrook,1980:1)。但是,这种差异最多在表面上。文学和商业交织在一起的观点比人们想象的要多。例如,在厄普顿·辛克莱尔(Upton Sinclair)的《丛林》中有公司资本主义的痕迹,其中工人被描绘成“经济体系的奴隶”(Watts,1982:77)。约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller)的《发生的事情》(Something Happened)描绘了严酷的商业规则,任何不能为公司的成功做出有效贡献的人都将被丢弃,也被称为公司达尔文主义(Homer,1992:27)。或是在马克·吐温(Mark Twain)的亚瑟王法院的康涅狄格洋基队中,以幽默的语气,中世纪的英格兰已经通过各种经济手段实现了现代化,例如新币种,法院的股票交易以及骑士的全职工作,因此从金融废墟(Westbrook,1980:49)。换句话说,文学一直在从金融市场中汲取灵感。因此,文学中的主要主题超出了企业界的应用范围可能就不足为奇了。实际上,各级管理人员都可以从文学中学习许多业务领域的宝贵经验。



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