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Is Herrera 'a Perfect Fit'?


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I doubt that anyone qualifies as a 'perfect fit" to direct the San Francisco Public Library (SFPL), but Luis Herrera, who just took the job, comes very close. To direct a major urban library has been his "career objective." His experience and education testify to his belief that "libraries are a vital government service." Along with the MLS, Herrera pursued a master's degree in public administration, instead of the MBA more common with library administrators. San Francisco has been tough on its library directors. Many good ones moved on after relatively short stints. In addition to answering to the library commission, mayor, and city council, the SFPL director is accountable in complicated ways to the leaders of the Friends group (which includes what was formerly the library foundation) and a comparatively strong library union. He's accountable to the city's citizens, too, as diverse a constituency as anywhere in America.
机译:我怀疑是否有人有资格担任旧金山公共图书馆(SFPL)的“最佳人选”,但刚刚接任该职位的路易斯·埃雷拉(Luis Herrera)却相距甚远,而领导大型城市图书馆一直是他的“职业目标”。他的经验和教育证明了他的信念,即“图书馆是政府的一项至关重要的服务。”与MLS一起,埃雷拉(Herrera)攻读了公共管理硕士学位,而不是在图书馆管理人员中更为普遍的MBA。董事们。在短暂的任期之后,许多好人就继续前进。除了向图书馆委员会,市长和市议会答复外,SFPL主任还以复杂的方式向Friends组的领导人负责(包括以前的图书馆)基金会)和一个相对强大的图书馆工会。他也对这座城市的公民负责,就像美国任何地方的选民一样。



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