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Impacts and Effects of Publishing Legal Information in a Small Jurisdiction: Privacy v Open Justice


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This paper, written by Sue du Feu and James Lambert, outlines the challenges faced by the Jersey Legal Information Board (JLIB) in providing free access to legal information. The power of modern internet search engines has implications for a small island jurisdiction wishing to make its case law available on-line. Having established protocols and policies to ensure a balance between open justice and privacy, several years later, JLIB is faced with concerns from individuals who feel that continuing public access to their earlier misdemeanours is an unfair burden. The paper will explain how the JLIB addressed the challenge of publishing court judgments online while safeguarding the interests of the individual.
机译:这份由Sue du Feu和James Lambert撰写的论文概述了泽西岛法律信息委员会(JLIB)在免费提供法律信息方面面临的挑战。现代互联网搜索引擎的强大功能对一个希望将其判例法在线提供的小岛管辖区产生了影响。几年后,JLIB制定了确保在公开司法与隐私之间取得平衡的协议和政策后,面临着个人的担忧,他们感到,继续公开获取其较早的轻罪行为是不公平的负担。本文将解释JLIB如何在维护个人利益的同时解决在线发布法院判决的挑战。



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