首页> 外文期刊>Landscape Ecology >Human landscapes have complex trajectories: reconstructing Peruvian Amazon landscape history from 1948 to 2005

Human landscapes have complex trajectories: reconstructing Peruvian Amazon landscape history from 1948 to 2005


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Long-term landscape history studies can probe the complexity of landscape dynamics that appear linear or determined by a single driver on shorter time scales, and may span variations of both human-initiated and naturally occurring drivers. With a variety of historical sources this study traces the history of landscape change in Amazonian communities that have existed since the early 1900’s, in a region comprising both upland and riverine ecosystems. Aerial photography from 1948, 1965 and 1977 and satellite images from 1993 to 2005 are analyzed to reconstruct spatial transformations of the study region. The reconstructed landscape history is analyzed as a result of shifts in economy, policy, local markets and river dynamics. In 1948, the upland region was used for agriculture and farms appeared to be encroaching into primary forest. However by 1965, 49% of the upland farm area had become secondary forest, as farmers left upland farms fallow and moved into the floodplain to farm crops promoted through agricultural credit programs. Between 1965 and 1977 river channel migration affected the riverine landscape, dramatic floods occurred throughout the Amazon River and many farmers migrated to the city. During the 1980’s the credit given to small farmers greatly increased, resulting in the highest density of farms in the landscape by 1993. The disappearance of these credits is reflected in reduced farming activity and increased charcoal production. The results show that agricultural activity and deforestation do not always have a simple trajectory of increment.
机译:长期的景观历史研究可以探究线性的景观动态或由单个驾驶员在较短的时间尺度上确定的景观动力学的复杂性,并且可以涵盖人类活动和自然活动的驾驶员的变化。这项研究利用各种历史资料,追溯了自1900年代初以来在一个由高地和河流生态系统组成的区域中存在的亚马逊社区的景观变化历史。分析1948年,1965年和1977年的航空摄影以及1993年至2005年的卫星图像,以重建研究区域的空间变化。由于经济,政策,当地市场和河流动力的变化,对重建的景观历史进行了分析。 1948年,高地地区用于农业,农场似乎正在侵占原始森林。但是到了1965年,由于农民离开了高地农场休耕地,搬进了洪泛区,通过农业信贷计划促进了农作物的生长,高地农场面积的49%变成了次生林。在1965年至1977年之间,河道迁移影响了河流景观,整个亚马逊河都发生了严重的洪灾,许多农民移民到了这座城市。在1980年代,给予小农的信贷大大增加,导致到1993年景观中的农场密度最高。这些信贷的消失反映在农业活动的减少和木炭产量的增加上。结果表明,农业活动和森林砍伐并不总是具有简单的增量轨迹。



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