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Measuring the New Economy: Industrial Classification and Open Source Software Production


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We analyze the way in which the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) handles the categorization of open source software production, foregrounding theoretical and political aspects of knowledge organization. NAICS is the industry classification scheme used by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States to carry out their respective economic censuses. NAICS is considered a rational system that uses the underlying economic principle of similar production processes as the basis for its classes. For the Information Sector of the economy, as formulated in NAICS, a key production process is the acquisition and defense of copyright. With open source, copyleft licensing eliminates copyright acquisition and protection as major production processes, suggesting that the open source software industry warrants a separate NAICS category. More importantly, our analysis suggests that NAICS cannot be understood as a taxonomy of objective economic activity but is instead a politically and historically contingent system of data classification.
机译:我们分析了北美行业分类系统(NAICS)处理开源软件产品分类的方式,并突出了知识组织的理论和政治方面。 NAICS是加拿大,墨西哥和美国政府用来进行各自的经济普查的行业分类方案。 NAICS被认为是一种合理的系统,它使用类似生产过程的基本经济原理作为其分类的基础。根据NAICS的规定,对于经济信息部门而言,关键的生产过程是版权的获取和保护。使用开源,Copyleft许可消除了作为主要生产流程的版权获取和保护,这表明开源软件行业需要单独的NAICS类别。更重要的是,我们的分析表明,NAICS不能被理解为客观经济活动的分类法,而是一种在政治和历史上视情况而定的数据分类系统。



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