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Building Apartheid: On Architecture and Order in Imperial Cape Town


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This volume, the fourth title in the Ashgate Studies in Architecture series, is a substantial achievement due to Nicholas Coetzer's thorough scholarship drawing on archives and other primary sources to support a historical study of architecture, housing, and urban planning in Cape Town, South Africa, from the late nineteenth century to 1948, when apartheid officially began. Coetzer argues that the project of legal exclusion known as apartheid began fifty years before it was enforced through legislation. The book is admirable for its highly articulate portrayal of the social, political, and cultural contexts that, through architecture and the ordering of urban and suburban spaces, "were actively constructing Cape Town and South Africa into a territory of the British Empire-mapped out, ordered and remade through architecture into a landscape legitimizing their continued control and exploitation of the land and its people" (215). The book is strong in its historical treatment of pre-apartheid Cape Town through a postcolonial lens, though not an overly determined one. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of this study is the revelation that the seemingly innocuous humanist and scientifically based decisions around the aesthetics and ordering of space in pre-apartheid Cape Town gave rise to a dehumanized landscape and "unfold[ed] without contradiction from Empire to apartheid" (216), laying "the solid foundations onto which the ugly edifice of apartheid was built" (13).
机译:这本书是《阿什盖特建筑学研究》系列中的第四个标题,这是一项重大成就,这要归功于尼古拉斯·库策(Nicholas Coetzer)充分利用档案和其他主要资源来资助南非开普敦的建筑,住房和城市规划的历史研究从19世纪后期到1948年,种族隔离正式开始。 Coetzer辩称,被称为种族隔离的法律排斥项目始于通过立法实施的五十年。这本书因其对社会,政治和文化背景的高度清晰的描绘而受到赞誉,通过建筑以及城市和郊区空间的有序排列,“正在积极地将开普敦和南非建设成大英帝国所覆盖的领土,并通过建筑将其重造为景观,使他们继续控制和利用土地及其人民合法化”(215)。这本书通过后殖民的视角对种族隔离前的开普敦进行了历史性的论述,尽管它并不是一个过分确定的观点,但它的作用很强。这项研究最令人信服的方面可能是启示,即关于前种族隔离的开普敦的美学和空间秩序的看似无害的人本主义和科学依据的决定引起了一种非人性化的景观,并且“展开了,而没有帝国与帝国的矛盾”。种族隔离”(216),奠定“种族隔离的丑陋建筑所建立的坚实基础”(13)。



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