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Dyeing with Lichens in Orkney and Spain


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On the 1 March 2006 I set up a collection of three plastic-lidded jam jars. One held a lichen whose identity I was unsure about and two contained Xanthoria parietina. This is a common, bright yellow lichen which likes to grow on walls, rocks, and old roofs. Bits of it blow off here in Stronsay (the northern isle in the Orkney archipelago) during strong winds and gales, which I then collect and dry. Even though this lichen is abundant on the island my preferred method of collecting is via these windfall 'gifts', as it seems a shame to waste such opportunities. Karen Leigh Casselman in her book Craft of the Dyer, Colour from Plants and Lichens, pp. 164-172, reminds me that if I leave undisturbed a good 90% of growth at any one site when gathering other species this will assure the lichen community's continuity. This is, of course, good practice and common sense for all who collect from nature. The aim of putting Xanthoria parietina in jars was to try the fermentation method of extracting dye from this particular lichen.
机译:在2006年3月1日,我收集了三个塑料盖的果酱罐。其中一个拿着我不确定的地衣,另外两个则包含了Xanthoria parietina。这是一种常见的鲜黄色地衣,喜欢在墙壁,岩石和旧屋顶上生长。在强风和大风中,斯特隆赛(奥克尼群岛的北部小岛)在这里刮起了一阵风,然后收集并干燥。尽管岛上这种地衣很丰富,但我偏爱的收集方法是通过这些意外的“礼物”,因为浪费这种机会似乎很可耻。卡伦·利·卡塞尔曼(Karen Leigh Casselman)在她的《染料的手艺》,《植物和地衣的颜色》,第164-172页中提醒我,如果我在采集其他物种时在任何一个地点保持良好的90%的生长,这将确保地衣群落的连续性。当然,对于所有从大自然中收集的人来说,这都是良好的做法和常识。将Xanthoria parietina放在罐子里的目的是尝试从这种特殊的地衣中提取染料的发酵方法。



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