首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management >Projected Sulfate Redistribution As Impacted by Lake Level Stabilization Scenarios: Devils Lake, North Dakota

Projected Sulfate Redistribution As Impacted by Lake Level Stabilization Scenarios: Devils Lake, North Dakota


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Devils Lake, a terminal, saline lake, of glacial origin, in North Dakota has experienced a 7.5 m rise in lake elevation resulting in the flooding of over 243 km~2 from 1992 to 2002. At lower water surface elevations, Devils Lake functions as a series of connected basins with salinity increasing in an eastward direction due to evaporation. The recent increase in water depth provides an opportunity for increased dispersive exchange flows and mixing between the lake's basins due to wind and buoyancy forces. This increased mixing will change the future water quality distribution in Devils Lake, and may therefore have an impact on plans for lake level stabilization. In this paper, a model based on energy and conservation of mass principles is applied to estimate the potential redistribution of sulfate within Devils Lake. The rate of redistribution may affect the lake's ecosystem and the design of a possible water diversion to the Red River of the North for the purpose of stabilizing the water surface elevation. Included in the paper is the selection of model input parameters, model calibration with field measurements, and application of the model to five future scenarios.
机译:位于北达科他州的冰川末期的盐湖,魔鬼湖,湖高升高了7.5 m,从1992年到2002年,洪水泛滥了243 km〜2。在水面海拔较低时,魔鬼湖的作用是一系列相连的盆地,盐度由于蒸发而向东增加。最近由于水和浮力的作用,水深的增加为分散的交换流量增加和湖盆之间的混合提供了机会。混合水量的增加将改变未来在魔鬼湖中的水质分布,因此可能对稳定湖泊水位的计划产生影响。在本文中,基于能量和质量守恒原理的模型被用于估计恶魔湖中硫酸盐的潜在再分布。重新分配的速度可能会影响湖泊的生态系统,并可能将水引向北部的红河,以稳定水面海拔。本文包括模型输入参数的选择,现场测量的模型校准以及该模型在五个未来场景中的应用。



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