首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Water and Health >Catchment process affecting drinking water quality, including the significance of rainfall events, using factor analysis and event mean concentrations

Catchment process affecting drinking water quality, including the significance of rainfall events, using factor analysis and event mean concentrations


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To ensure the protection of drinking water an understanding of the catchment processes whichncan affect water quality is important as it enables targeted catchment management actions to benimplemented. In this study factor analysis (FA) and comparing event mean concentrations (EMCs)nwith baseline values were techniques used to asses the relationships between water qualitynparameters and linking those parameters to processes within an agricultural drinking waterncatchment. FA found that 55% of the variance in the water quality data could be explained by thenfirst factor, which was dominated by parameters usually associated with erosion. Inclusion ofnpathogenic indicators in an additional FA showed that Enterococcus and Clostridium perfringensn(C. perfringens) were also related to the erosion factor. Analysis of the EMCs found that mostnparameters were significantly higher during periods of rainfall runoff. This study shows that thenmost dominant processes in an agricultural catchment are surface runoff and erosion. It alsonshows that it is these processes which mobilise pathogenic indicators and are therefore mostnlikely to influence the transport of pathogens. Catchment management efforts need to focus onnreducing the effect of these processes on water quality.
机译:为了确保饮用水的安全,对可能影响水质的集水过程的理解很重要,因为它可以实现针对性的集水管理行动。在这项研究中,因子分析(FA)以及将事件平均浓度(EMC)与基线值进行比较的技术用于评估水质参数之间的关系,并将这些参数与农业饮用水集水区的过程联系起来。 FA发现水质数据中55%的方差可以由第一个因素解释,而第一个因素通常由与侵蚀相关的参数决定。在另外的FA中包括致病性指标表明肠球菌和产气荚膜梭菌(C. perfringens)也与侵蚀因子有关。对EMC的分析发现,在降雨径流期间,大多数参数明显更高。这项研究表明,农业流域中最主要的过程是地表径流和侵蚀。它也表明正是这些过程调动了病原学指标,因此最有可能影响病原体的运输。集水区管理工作应集中在减少这些过程对水质的影响上。



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