首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Multiple edifice-collapse events in the Eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt: The role of sloping substrate and implications for hazard assessment

Multiple edifice-collapse events in the Eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt: The role of sloping substrate and implications for hazard assessment


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The Citlaltepetl-Cofre de Perote volcanic chain forms an important physiographic barrier that separates the Central Altiplano (2500 masl) from the Gulf Coastal Plain (GCP) (1300 masl). The abrupt eastward drop in relief between these provinces gives rise to unstable conditions and consequent gravitational collapse of large volcanic edifices built at the edge of the Altiplano. Eastward sloping substrate, caused by the irregular configuration of the basement rocks, is the dominant factor that controls the direction of collapsing sectors in all major volcanoes in the region to be preferentially towards the GCP. These collapses produced voluminous debris avalanches and lahars that inundated the well-developed drainages and clastic aprons that characterize the Coastal Plain. Large catastrophic collapses from Citlaltepetl, Las Cumbres, and Cofre de Perote volcanoes are well documented in the geologic record. Some of the avalanches and transformed flows have exceptionally long runouts and reach the Gulf of Mexico traveling more than 120 km from their source. So far, no direct evidence has been found for magmatic activity associated with the initiation of these catastrophic flank-collapses. Apparently, instability of the volcanic edifices has been strongly favored by very intense hydrothermal alteration, abrupt topographic change, and intense fracturing. In addition to the eastward slope of the substrate, the reactivation of pre-volcanic basement structures during the Late Tertiary, and the E-W to ENE-SSW oriented regional stress regimes may have played an important role in the preferential movement direction of the avalanches and flows. In addition to magmatic-hydrothermal processes, high amounts of rainfall in the area is another factor that enhances alteration and eventually weakens the rocks. It is very likely that seismic activity may be the principal triggering mechanism that caused the flank collapse of large volcanic edifices in the Eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt. However, critical pore water pressure from extraordinary amounts of rainfall associated with hurricanes or other meteorological perturbation cannot be ruled out, particularly for smaller volume collapses. There are examples in the area of small seismogenic debris flows that have occurred in historical times, showing that these processes are not uncommon. Assessing the stability conditions of major volcanic edifices that have experienced catastrophic sector collapses is crucial for forecasting future events. This is particularly true for the Eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt, where in many cases no magmatic activity was associated with the collapse. Therefore, edifice failure could occur again without any precursory warning.
机译:Citlaltepetl-Cofre de Perote火山链形成了重要的生理屏障,将中央高原(2500 masl)与墨西哥湾沿岸平原(GCP)(1300 masl)分开。这些省份之间的突然东移救济导致不稳定的条件,并因此导致了在高原边缘建造的大型火山大厦的重力塌陷。由基底岩石的不规则构形引起的向东倾斜的基底是控制该地区所有主要火山塌陷扇形方向的优先因素,优先向GCP倾斜。这些坍塌产生了大量的碎片雪崩和泻湖,淹没了沿海平原特有的发达排水系统和碎屑围裙。在地质记录中已充分记录了Citlaltepetl,Las Cumbres和Cofre de Perote火山的大规模灾难性倒塌。一些雪崩和变化的流具有异常长的跳动,并到达距其源头120多公里的墨西哥湾。到目前为止,还没有发现与这些灾难性侧翼塌陷有关的岩浆活动的直接证据。显然,非常强烈的热液蚀变,陡峭的地貌变化和强烈的破裂强烈地支持了火山构造的不稳定性。除了基底的东坡外,第三纪晚期火山前基底结构的再活化以及EW到ENE-SSW定向的区域应力状态可能在雪崩和水流的优先运动方向上发挥了重要作用。 。除了岩浆热液过程外,该地区大量降雨是增加蚀变并最终削弱岩石的另一个因素。地震活动很可能是导致东墨西哥火山带大火山构造的侧面崩塌的主要触发机制。但是,不能排除由于飓风或其他气象扰动引起的异常降雨造成的临界孔隙水压力,特别是对于较小的体积塌陷。历史上曾发生过一些小型地震成因泥石流的例子,表明这些过程并不少见。评估经历过灾难性部门崩溃的主要火山大厦的稳定性条件对于预测未来事件至关重要。对于墨西哥东部火山带来说尤其如此,在许多情况下,没有岩浆活动与塌陷有关。因此,大厦故障可能再次发生而没有任何事先警告。



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