首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Subsurface Structure Across The Axis Of The Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand

Subsurface Structure Across The Axis Of The Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand


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The relationship between structure and volcanism in the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand, is largely masked by a mantle of young volcanic deposits. Here we report the results of an integrated geophysical investigation (using gravity, multi-level aeromagnetic and magnetotelluric methods) of subsurface deposits and structures in the upper 1-2 km across the axis of the Tongariro Volcanic Centre. Modelling of these data across the Tama Lakes saddle shows that the outcropping volcanic deposits are up to 800 m thick, underlain by Tertiary sediments (of a few 10's to a few 100 m in thickness) and in turn lying above a basement of probable Mesozoic greywacke. Basement faulting is shown to be concentrated in the centre of the rift, which is 18 km wide at this location, but no vertical offset is resolved at the rift axis. Vertical displacements on basement faults of 250-300 m are modelled giving a minimum total basement subsidence of 650 m. A 5 km-wide, deep low resistivity zone occurs at the axis of the rift which is interpreted as either resulting from extensive fracturing and/or hydrothermal alteration within the basement. Steep-sided volcanic bodies with a high proportion of lavas/dykes coincide with the Waihi fault and the rift axis. Coincidence with the Waihi Fault suggests that this fault system may have provided magma pathways to the surface and a focus for dyke emplacement, which could have contributed to rift extension. The lack of offset at the rift axis may reflect the juvenile nature of faulting at this location, which is consistent with the notion of a migration of faulting towards the centre of the graben, alternatively, rifting may have been entirely accommodated by dyke emplacement.
机译:新西兰汤加里罗火山中心的结构与火山活动之间的关系在很大程度上被年轻的火山岩地幔所掩盖。在这里,我们报告了汤加里罗火山中心轴线上方1-2公里的地下沉积物和结构的综合地球物理调查(使用重力,多层航空电磁和大地电磁方法)的结果。通过对多摩湖马鞍上的这些数据进行建模,显示出露头的火山沉积物厚达800 m,在第三系沉积物(厚度从几十到几百到100 m)之下,并依次位于可能的中生代灰陶质基底之上。地下室的断层显示为集中在裂谷的中心,裂谷的中心在这个位置宽18 km,但是在裂谷轴上没有解决垂直偏移。对地下断层为250-300 m的垂直位移进行了建模,得出的最低总地下沉为650 m。在裂谷的轴线上出现了一个5 km宽的深层低电阻率区域,这被解释为是由于基底内部的广泛压裂和/或热液蚀变造成的。具有高比例熔岩/堤坝的陡边火山体与怀希断层和裂谷轴重合。与怀希断层的巧合表明,该断层系统可能为地表提供了岩浆通道,并为堤防定位提供了焦点,这可能有助于裂谷的扩展。在裂谷轴上没有偏移可能反映出该位置断层的幼稚性质,这与断层向grab骨中心的偏移的观念是一致的,或者裂谷可能已经完全被堤坝所掩盖。



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