首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research2012V243-244NOCT,15 >Volcano-ice-sea interaction in the Cerro Santa Marta area, northwest James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula

Volcano-ice-sea interaction in the Cerro Santa Marta area, northwest James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula


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We present here the results of detailed mapping, lithofacies analysis and stratigraphy of the Neogene James Ross Island Volcanic Group (Antarctic Peninsula) in the Cerro Santa Marta area (northwest of James Ross Island), in order to give constraints on the evolution of a glaciated volcanic island. Our field results included recognition and interpretation of seventeen volcanic and glacial lithofacies, together with their vertical and lateral arrangements, supported by four new unspiked K-Ar ages. This allowed us to conclude that the construction of the volcanic pile in this area took place during two main eruptive stages (Eruptive Stages 1 and 2), separated from the Cretaceous bedrock and from each other by two major glacial unconformities (U1 and U2). The U1 unconformity is related to Antarctic Peninsula Ice sheet expansion during the late Miocene (before 6.2 Ma) and deposition of glacial lithofacies in a glaciomarine setting. Following this glacial advance, Eruptive Stage 1(6.2-4.6 Ma) volcanism started with subaerial extrusion of lava flows from an unrecognized vent north of the study area, with eruptions later fed from vent/s centered at Cerro Santa Marta volcano, where cinder cone deposits and a volcanic conduit/lava lake are preserved. These lava flows fed an extensive (>7 km long) hyaloclastite delta system that was probably emplaced in a shallow marine environment A second unconformity (U2) was related to expansion of a local ice cap, centered on James Ross Island, which truncated all the eruptive units of Eruptive Stage I. Concomitant with glacier advance, renewed volcanic activity (Eruptive Stage 2) started after 4.6 Ma and volcanic products were fed again by Cerro Santa Marta vents. We infer that glaciovolcanic eruptions occurred under a moderately thin (similar to 300 m) glacier, in good agreement with previous estimates of paleo-ice thickness for the James Ross Island area during the Pliocene. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们在此介绍塞罗圣玛尔塔地区(詹姆斯·罗斯岛西北部)的新近纪詹姆斯·罗斯岛火山群(南极半岛)的详细制图,岩相分析和地层学的结果,以便限制冰川的演化火山岛。我们的现场结果包括在四个新的未加标的K-Ar年龄的支持下,对17个火山岩和冰川岩相及其垂直和横向排列的识别和解释。这使我们可以得出结论,该地区的火山桩的建造是在两个主要的喷发阶段(喷发阶段1和2)发生的,它们与白垩纪的基岩相互隔离,并被两个主要的冰川不整合面分隔(U1和U2)。 U1不整合与中新世晚期(6.2 Ma之前)的南极半岛冰盖扩张以及在冰晶海相环境中的冰岩相沉积有关。继这一冰川发展之后,爆发阶段1(6.2-4.6 Ma)的火山开始于从研究区域以北无法识别的喷口向地下喷出熔岩流,随后喷出的喷口则以塞罗圣玛尔塔火山为中心,喷口处为煤渣锥保留了沉积物和火山管道/熔岩湖。这些熔岩流供给了广泛的(> 7 km长)的破硅质岩三角洲系统,可能是在浅海环境中造成的。第二个不整合面(U2)与以詹姆斯·罗斯岛为中心的局部冰盖的扩张有关,该冰盖将所有爆发期I的爆发单元。伴随着冰川的发展,在4.6 Ma以后开始了新的火山活动(爆发期2),塞罗·圣玛尔塔喷口再次注入了火山产物。我们推断冰川火山喷发发生在中薄层(约300 m)冰川下,这与上新世期间詹姆斯·罗斯岛地区古冰厚度的先前估计相吻合。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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