首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research2012V243-244NOCT,15 >Chemical characterisation of rainwater at Stromboli Island (Italy): The effect of post-depositional processes

Chemical characterisation of rainwater at Stromboli Island (Italy): The effect of post-depositional processes


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Volcanoes emit fluids and solid particles into the atmosphere that modify the chemical composition of natural precipitation. We have investigated the geochemistry of Stromboli's rainfall during the period from November 2014 to March 2016 using a network of a new type of sampler specifically designed for operations on volcanic islands. We found that most of the chemical modifications are due to processes occurring after the storage of rain-water in the sampling bottles. These processes include dissolution of volcanogenic soluble salts encrusting volcanic ash and a variable contribution of sea spray aerosol. Our data showed noticeably less scatter than has previously been achieved with a different sampling system that was more open to the atmosphere. This demonstrates the improved efficacy of the new sampler design. The data showed that post-depositional chemical alteration of rain samples dominates over processes occurring during droplet formation ad precipitation. This has important implications for the calculation of fluxes of chemicals from rainfall in volcanic regions. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:火山将流体和固体颗粒排放到大气中,从而改变了自然沉淀的化学成分。我们使用专门设计用于火山岛上作业的新型采样器网络对2014年11月至2016年3月期间斯特龙博利岛的降雨的地球化学进行了调查。我们发现大多数化学修饰是由于雨水在采样瓶中存储后发生的过程所致。这些过程包括溶出火山灰的可溶性盐,溶解火山灰以及产生各种变化的海雾气溶胶。我们的数据显示,与以前使用不同的采样系统相比,散射明显更少,而采样系统更开放。这证明了新采样器设计的更高功效。数据表明,降雨样品的沉积后化学变化在液滴形成和降水过程中占主导地位。这对计算火山区降雨中的化学通量具有重要意义。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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