首页> 外文期刊>Journal of urbanism >'Laboratorio Q', Seville: creative production of collective spaces before and after austerity

'Laboratorio Q', Seville: creative production of collective spaces before and after austerity

机译:塞维利亚“ Laboratorio Q”:紧缩前后集体空间的创造性生产

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The creative city approach is going through a redefinition after the 2008 global financial crisis. In the specific case of South-European cities, in the context of austerity and cuts in public investment, creativity is becoming a strategy for achieving maximum social benefit and improvement of the built environment with minimum economic expenditure. This paper looks at this redefinition of creativity through the case study of Seville, in southern Spain. Through research methods that include video-recorded testimonies of the actors involved, mapping at the online platform "Laboratorio Q", and public engagement activities, this paper explores how the civic society, professional, and public authorities have reinvented how to produce collective spaces. The paper concludes that bottom-up creative processes for producing collective spaces have become more visible since the 2008 crisis, when architects, planners, public authorities and policy-makers have been "learning" from them.
机译:在2008年全球金融危机之后,创造性的城市方法正在重新定义。就南欧城市而言,在紧缩和削减公共投资的背景下,创造力正在成为一种以最小的经济支出实现最大的社会效益和改善建筑环境的战略。本文通过西班牙南部塞维利亚的案例研究来探讨对创造力的重新定义。通过研究方法,包括录制有关参与者的证词,在“ Laboratorio Q”在线平台上进行制图以及公众参与活动,本文探索了公民社会,专业人士和公共当局如何重塑了如何产生集体空格。该论文的结论是,自2008年危机以来,建筑师,规划师,公共机构和政策制定者一直在“自学”,自下而上的创造集体空间的创意过程变得更加明显。



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