首页> 外文期刊>Journal of tourism and cultural change >Tracking Europe: mobility, diaspora, and the politics of location

Tracking Europe: mobility, diaspora, and the politics of location


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The grainy cover image showing a shabby car carrying several passengers and heavily topped with luggage approaching a border post - taken from Corridor X, a video by German-Greek media artist Angela Melitopoulos - with the stars of the European Union superimposed on the book's cover, is an apt metaphor for the contents and argument of Ginette Verstraete's Tracking Europe: Mobility, diaspora, and the politics of location. Are the occupants of the car tourists, smugglers or immigrants? Are they entering or leaving Europe? Is the contrast between the rundown car and the modernity of its representation (a color, electronically processed video still) telling us something significant about the uncertain identity of its occupants and their destination? Moreover, is the virtual gap between the video still and the symbols of the European Union suggested by the separation/interaction of the two images on the book's cover symbolic or not?
机译:粗糙的封面图片显示了一辆破旧的汽车,载有几名乘客,行李重重地靠近边境哨所-取自德国希腊媒体艺术家Angela Melitopoulos拍摄的X走廊X图像,书的封面上则是欧盟的星星,是Ginette Verstraete的《欧洲追踪》的内容和论据的恰当隐喻:流动性,散居者和位置政治。是汽车游客,走私者或移民的居住者?他们是要进入还是离开欧洲?撞车及其代表的现代性(仍然是彩色的,经过电子处理的视频)之间的对比是否在告诉我们有关其乘员身份及其目的地的不确定性的重要信息?此外,是否通过书籍封面上的两个图像的分离/交互来暗示视频静止图像与欧盟符号之间的虚拟差距?



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